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The Art of Coyote Calling: Building a Strategy with Armasight

The Art of Coyote Calling: Building a Strategy with Armasight

Feb 19th 2025

Coyotes are clever, curious predators, and calling them requires both an understanding of their instincts and a carefully planned approach. Through a strategic sequence of calls, you can build a “story” that draws them in—appealing to their drive for food, their protective instincts, and their territorial nature. With Armasight optics, you’ll have the clarity and precision needed to track their response and capture each step of the hunt with confidence. Here’s a guide to structuring your call sequence for maximum effectiveness. 

Understanding the Seasonal Instincts of Coyotes 

Coyotes’ responses to calls vary with the seasons. For instance, winter brings increased sensitivity to food sounds, while spring and summer are marked by stronger territorial and protective instincts, especially when pups are involved. Tailoring your approach to these natural behaviors is key, and Armasight’s advanced optics allow you to track reactions at each stage of the call sequence—whether it’s locating, monitoring, or tracking movements. 

Step 1: Identifying Key Activity Zones 

Knowing where coyotes are likely to respond to calls is critical, and locating their dens or high-activity zones can greatly enhance your chances. Coyotes frequent certain areas based on food availability and security, especially near their dens during pup-rearing seasons. Use your Armasight thermal scope or monocular to scan for signs of activity from a distance before you set up, minimizing disruption and keeping a low profile. 

To confirm coyote presence, start with locator sounds—howls or group barks, which typically elicit responses from curious or territorial coyotes. Track these responses with GPS, and take a moment to observe any movement. Thermal imaging from Armasight can help you spot heat signatures at any time of day, even at a distance, helping you better map out the area without getting too close. 

Step 2: Building an Engaging Call Sequence 

With a likely location confirmed, you’re ready to initiate a sequence of calls that appeal to multiple instincts. Here’s how to build a compelling sequence that steadily increases in intensity: 

The Initial Draw: Prey Distress Sounds 

Start with a prey distress sound—typically a small prey animal like a rabbit. This sound is naturally enticing to coyotes and signifies an easy meal. By playing the sound intermittently, you maintain a sense of authenticity and encourage the coyote’s curiosity without overwhelming them. This phase is crucial for establishing a calm, curiosity-driven approach from the coyote. 

Ramping Up with Territorial Threats 

After a few minutes of prey sounds, introduce territorial cues, such as snarls, growls, or barks, to simulate the presence of competition over a potential meal. This type of auditory “conflict” can trigger the coyote’s protective and defensive responses, especially if they are already inclined to guard their space. By introducing these sounds after an initial draw, you amplify their drive to investigate further. 

Engaging Their Protective Instincts with Juvenile Sounds 

Lastly, conclude the sequence with a distressed pup call. The sound of a vulnerable young coyote activates strong protective instincts, particularly in adults. This call can be a turning point, compelling coyotes to respond quickly and more boldly. They’ll come not only to defend territory but also to protect young or ward off any perceived threats. 

With Armasight optics, you can track each phase with clarity, using thermal imaging to monitor their response to each sound and adjust based on the coyote’s movement and behavior. 


Preparing for Action: Tips to Boost Success 

  • Volume Control: Begin each call sequence softly and gradually increase the volume. This mimics natural sound dynamics and helps avoid startling coyotes, encouraging a steady approach. 
  • Optimize Position and Cover: Position yourself with the wind in your favor, as coyotes have an acute sense of smell. Armasight’s compact and mobile devices make it easy to maintain a concealed stance, with the range and clarity needed to spot movement. 
  • Vary the Sequence: Try different calls at different times of year to keep your approach fresh and adaptable to the coyote’s seasonal behaviors. 

Armasight: Bringing Clarity to Every Moment 

Armasight’s optics empower you to observe and track the subtle responses of coyotes, enhancing your understanding of their behavior and improving the effectiveness of each hunt. From locating dens with thermal imaging to observing every phase of their approach in low light, Armasight is your partner in crafting an efficient and successful calling strategy. 

With this unique, thoughtful approach, Armasight helps bring your hunt to life, capturing every detail and turning each hunt into a memorable experience.